How To Change Blogger Post URL Or Permalink
Are you thinking why should we change blogger post URL or permalink? Permalinks or blog post URLs are very important for SEO. If your generated post URL or permalink structure is not SEO friendly, then you may lose search engine ranking. Google provides every latest feature in blogger to make blogging easier for us but auto generated Blogger post URL, or permalink structure could not be SEO friendly always. That’s why we must know how to change blogger post URL or permalink?
If you analyze some of your published posts, you will see some URLs of your blogger blog post are not meaningful and well structured. Suppose you are going to publish a blog post on “How To Change Blogger Post URL Or Permalink?” In this post, your targeted keyword is “Change Blogger Post URL”.
Before publishing the post just click on the “permalink” section at the right side of your blogger post editor. There you will see blogger auto-generated post URL or Permalink for your post. Which may look like:
Although this URL is containing your targeted keyword which is excellent for SEO but the URL is not well structured and meaningful. This blogger post URL is unfinished. So if you wish to generate SEO friendly URL for your every blog post to rank higher, then you must know how to change blogger post URL or permalink.
If you know the way to change Blogger post URL while publishing your post, then you will be able to generate SEO friendly URL structure for your every blog post. If you did not know this before and already published some post on your blog, then don’t worry. You will be able to change your Blogger post URL after publishing too. Let’s see how?
Change Blogger Post URL While Publishing:
I have told you how to check blogger’s auto-generated post URL or permalink for a new it is time to learn how to change this auto-generated Blogger post URL. It is very easy to set custom URL in blogger so don’t worry about that but let me tell you some major things for generating SEO friendly URL first:
- You should try to keep your URLs short (Not more than 60 characters).
- Try to keep your targeted keyword into your custom URL
- Try not to use more than five words in URL for good user experience.
- Separate words by using “hyphens (-)”.
- Do not separate words by using “underscore (_)”, Using underscore will force search engines to consider your whole URL as a single word.
So, these were some basics for generating SEO friendly URL. If you understand these points, now it is time to change your Blogger post URL while publishing. To do this follow my step by step instruction:
1. I am assuming that you are writing a new post on blogger. So After giving a post title and writing post body look at the right side of your screen. You will see the “Post Setting” section.
2. Click on the “Post Settings” section to expand options or if this is already expanded then click on the “Permalink Option”.
3. You will see two radio button. One for “Automatic Permalink” – This is generated by blogger automatically and another for “Custom permalink” – here you will put your custom Blogger post URL or permalink. So select “Custom Permalink“.
4. Now put your custom Blogger post URL or permalink into the box like: “change-blogger-post-url-permalink“. Click on done and then publish your post. Now open your newly published post on the browser to check the custom permalink is ok or not. Is everything fine? If yes then you have successfully changed your Blogger post URL.
Change Blogger Post URL After Publishing:
Now let’s learn how to change blogger post URL for published post. This is very helpful if you have published a post with blogger’s auto generated URL but now you want to change the URL for making it more meaningful and SEO friendly.
Still now many of us don’t know how to change blogger post URL after publishing the post because the permalink section remains locked after publishing a post in blogger. So it is not possible to change Blogger post URL by editing the post or visiting the “Post setting” section after publishing the post. So how to change Blogger post URL after publishing? Here is the solution:
1. First of all, go to the “Posts” section and select the post you want to change the permalink. Now click on the “edit” link to that post.
2. At the top right corner of your Blogger post editor, you will see a button named “Revert to draft.” Click on this button as shown below:
3. Now you will have the option to change the permalink or your published Blogger post URL. So as we have done above for changing Blogger post URL, do the same here.
4. To do this go to the Post Settings > Click on the Permalink > Select Custom Permalink.
5. Edit the existing permalink as the way you want. After editing, click on the “Done” button. Now go to the top right corner and click on the “Publish” button.
So you have successfully changed your published Blogger post URL. Open the post in your browser to see it live. Everything is working fine, and your post URL is changed but what about the old URL? This is a big question and obviously a big issue for SEO too. Let’s become clear:
Important: “Think that, search engines already have indexed your old Blogger post URL. It may also have some valuable backlinks. It may also be receiving visitors and has a higher rank in SERP. So are you going to lose everything?
The answer is NO if you do a little work. Otherwise, you will obviously lose everything for that post. To prevent all of these issues simply redirect your old URL to your newly created Blogger post URL. You must set a 301 redirection to tell search engine’s crawler that your old content is permanently moved to the new URL.”
Here is a guide on how to Redirect Blogger old URL to new URL. If you don’t know the procedure of blogger 301 redirections for old URL to new, You may take a look.
If you have followed my instruction carefully, then you may have successfully edited your old Blogger post URL and redirected the old URL to New. If this article is helpful for you, then don’t forget to share this. If you are facing any trouble, then you can ask for the solution in the comment section.
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